Friday, June 11, 2010

Meditation Visualization

Guided meditation is similar to hypnotherapy but a key difference is hypnotherapy's emphasis on specific goals. Visualization and guided meditation can overlap and be similar as well. Defining a specific issue and outlining the desired outcome is integral to therapeutic hypnosis and so is guided meditation. Quartz crystal singing bowls, when used for healing, are also directed toward a specific issue and desired outcome. Using hypnosis induction methods in conjunction with your choice of sound vibration, (choice of bowl), can be intuitive but also can be very carefully designed.

If, for instance, the a person is insecure and exhibiting a lack of stability and prosperity, one could establish, through interview, positive suggestions the subject wishes to have impressed upon their subconscious. Perhaps something like, "I live in a safe world created by my own efforts and safe life style. I am attracting prosperity." In the process of induction as the person begins to go deeper with hypnotic suggestions, the facilitator can intersperse the sounds of the quartz crystal singing bowls, in particular the bowls that is tuned to middle 'C'. The 'C' vibration is resonate with the Root Chakra (spiritual center) located at the base of the spine and which is associated with grounding and survival. This center can become out of balance and alignment and with the help of the sound can 'reboot', be reactivated, and rejuvenated. The chakras should naturally spin easily and smoothly in a clockwise direction; a combination of healing thought patterns and a cleansing of the chakra can return the subject to a state of well being.

Crystal sound also serves, because it is profound, organic, and primal in nature, to facilitate a deepening of hypnosis and a easy journey into a guided meditative state, in the subject. Personally, I like to play the bowl for about 60 second intervals in between my suggestions. For example, at one point a suggestion can be made, 'It might be good, now that you are relaxed, to open up to the natural prosperity that our earth mother provides for all living beings. Then the bowl is played for 60 seconds to allow that suggestion to sink into the subconscious and the sound to open the root chakra.

Using the quartz crystal singing bowls in hypnosis also shortens the time for induction and can often bring about a natural and peaceful meditative state.

In another instance a person may have an issue with expressing themselves with confidence. Perhaps they cannot 'speak up' for themselves or perhaps they need to present before an audience, or they want to learn how to sing. Hypnosis can be used to relieve anxiety and any childhood fears of judgment by loosening up restrictions around the throat. Perhaps by discussing the desired outcome it could be decided to use a suggestion such as, "I find it easy and natural to express myself - smoothly and naturally." The quartz crystal singing bowls can be used in this case to stimulate, align, and balance the throat chakra. I would suggest the bowl that is tuned to the note 'G' because 'G' is tuned, naturally, with the throat chakra and with the help of the sound vibration the area of the throat expand and release.

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