Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Manage Beautiful Lips

How to Manage Beautiful Lips

Your lips are sensitive part of your body. Lips do not have oil glands and that is why, they are sensitive towards changes in environment like heat, wind and cold. Your lips have the tendency to become pink as rose petals. This can be achieved by following simple techniques and tips. However, you need to be consistent and continue these remedies for at least three months to see some major changes.

Crush red rose petals and directly apply the juice to yourlips. If your lips appear dry then add 1 or 2 drops of coconut oil. Petals are able to provide natural red color to your lips. Try and make it your habit and it is better to do this at night so that you can keep the extract of the petals for a much longer time.

To provide natural antioxidants to your lips in most pure form possible is to use homemade lip balms. Take 4 table spoon of almond oil, 1 table spoon of honey and 1 table spoon of grated beeswax. Stir this mixture carefully. Keep beeswax at a warm temperature in order to allow thorough mixing of the ingredients. This will give relief to your lips damaged by summer sun because Almond oil forms a thin protective layer on the lips, honey moisturizes them to provide softness and beeswax maintains ingredients on the lips for a longer period of time.

Scrubbing off deed skin from the lips is important. Thoroughly mix 5 drops of sweat almond oil to half table spoon of sugar granules and apply it to the lips, rub gently to scrub off dead cells from your lips. You can also soak 2 almonds overnight. Peel one almond and grind in pestle and motor. Add few drops of glycerin. Rub this paste on lips. Leave for 2 minutes then wash off. Apply a lip balm after that.

Dead layer of old skin may hinder growth of new cells on the lips. It is common with people who have chapped lips. Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 5 to 6 drops of lemon juice. Use this mixture as your daily lip balm. Scrubbing will provide an instantaneous pinkish color to yourlips and they will appear fuller. Scrub your lips weakly if not more.

In the end it is all about how much you care! Never use your saliva to lubricate your lips. Basically it dries the lips more and makes them appeal darker with time. Always use best quality cosmetics. Smoking extensively affects the color and beauty of your lips. So quit smoking for the love of your lips! Easy Health Solution - Learn about all kinds of health problems and their solutions from Easy Health Solution. We offer all kinds of easy and affordable health tips and advises.

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