Monday, December 20, 2010


From the family Liliaceae

These plants are widely distributed throughout the world. The onion goes back to a time before historians, and has been in cultivation so long that its country of origins are now uncertain although most agree that it originated in Central Asia. It was probably introduced to Europe by the Romans. The name seems to have been derived from the Latin word 'unio' meaning a large pearl.

In the middle Ages it was believed that a bunch of onions hung outside the door would absorb the infection of the plague, saving the inhabitants. From this came the scientific recognition that its sulphur content acts as a strong disinfectant. The juice of the onion was used to heal gunshot wounds and burns caused by gunpowder.


There are many, many varieties of Onion; the following information concerns the two that have herbal qualities.

Allium fistulosum

Welsh Onion

Also known as Japanese Leek. Evergreen hardy perennial. Ht60cm-90cm (2-3ft). Flowers of second year's growth greenish yellow in early summer. Leaves, green hollow cylinders. This onion is a native of Siberia and extensively grown in China and Japan. The name Welsh comes from 'walsch' meaning foreign.

Allium cepa Proliferum Group

Tree Onion

Also known as Egyptian Onion, Lazy Man's Onions. Hardy perennial. Ht 90- 150cm (3-5ft). Flowers small greenish white appear in early summer in the same place as its bulbs. It grows bulbs underground and then, at the end of flowering, bulbs in the air. Seeing is believing. It originates from Canada. It is very easy to propagate.



Welsh onion seed loses its viability within 2 years, so sow fresh in late winter, early spring under protection with a bottom heat of between 15°C (60°F) and21°C (70°F). Cover with Perlite. When the seedlings are large enough, and after a period of hardening off, plant out into a prepared site in the garden at a distance of 25cm (9in) apart. The tree onion is not grown from seed.


Each year the Welsh onion will multiply in clumps, so it is a good idea to divide them every 3 years in the spring. Because the tree onion is such a big grower, it is a good idea to split the underground bulbs every 3 years in spring.


The air growing bulbils of the tree onion have small root systems, each one capable of reproducing another plant. Plant where required in an enriched soil either in the autumn, as the parent plant dies back, or in the spring.

Pests and Diseases

The onion fly is the curse of the onion family especially in late spring, early summer. The way to try and prevent this is to take care not to damage the roots or leaves when thinning the seedlings and also not to leave the thinning lying around, the scent attracts the fly.

Another problem is downy mildew caused by cool wet autumns; the leaves become velvety and die back. Again, too warm a summer may encourage white rot. Burn the affected plants and do not plant in the same position again.

Other characteristic diseases are neck rot and bulb rot, both caused by a Botrytis fungus that usually occurs as a result of the bulbs being damaged either by digging or hoeing.

Onions are prone to many more diseases but, if you keep the soil fertile and do not make life easy for the onion fly, you will still have a good crop.


Spring: Sow the seed; divide 3-year-old clumps of Welsh and tree onions. Plant bulbs of tree onions.

Summer: Stake mature tree onions to stop them falling over and depositing the ripe bulbils on the soil.

Autumn: Mulch around tree onion plants with well-rotted manure. Use a small amount around the Welsh onions.

Winter: Neither variety needs protection.

Garden Cultivation

Welsh Omens

These highly adaptable hardy onions will grow in any well-drained fertile soil. Seeds can be sown in spring after the frosts, direct into the ground. Thin to a distance of 25cm (9in) apart. Keep well watered throughout the growing season. In the autumn give the area a mulch of well-rotted manure.

Tree Onions

Dig in some well-rotted manure before planting. Plant the bulbs in their clusters in a sunny well-drained position at a distance of 30-45cm (12-18in) apart. In the first year nothing much will happen (unless you are one of the lucky ones). If the summer is very dry, water well. In the following year, if you give the plant a good mulch of well-rotted manure in autumn, it grows to 90-150cm (3-5ft) and produce masses of small onions.


Welsh onions may be picked at any time from early summer onwards. The leaves do not dry well but can be frozen like those of their cousin, chives. Use scissors and snip them into a plastic bag. They form neat rings; freeze them.

The little tree onions can be picked off the stems and stored; lay them out on a rack in a cool place with good ventilation.


Welsh onions make a great substitute for spring onions, as they are hardier and earlier. Pull and use in salads or stir fry dishes, chop and use instead of chives.

Tree onions provide fresh onion flavor throughout the year. The bulbils can be pickled or chopped raw in salads (fairly strong), or cooked whole in stews and casseroles.


Serves 4-6

4 tablespoons olive oil (not extra virgin)

20 tree onions, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 dessertspoon fresh thyme, chopped


Freshly ground black pepper 360g (¾ lb) once-risen bread dough

250g (½ lb) ripe tomatoes, peeled and sliced

60g (2oz) canned anchovy fillets, drained and halved lengthways

16 large black olives, halved and pitted

Heat the olive oil in a heavy frying pan, add the onions, cover the pan tightly and fry, gently stirring occasionally for 15 minutes. Add the garlic and the thyme and cook uncovered for 15 minutes, or until the onions are reduced to a clear puree. Season to taste and leave to cool. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C (400°F, Gas mark 6).

Roll the bread dough directly on the baking sheet into a circle 25cm (10in) diameter. Spread the pureed onions evenly over the dough, put the tomato slices on the onions and top with a decorative pattern of anchovy fillets and olives.

Bake for 5 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 190°C (375°F, Gas mark 5) and continue to bake for 30 minutes or until the bread base is well risen and lightly browned underneath. Serve hot with a green herb salad.

Other uses

The onion is believed to help ward off colds in winter and also to induce sleep and cure indigestion. The fresh juice is antibiotic, diuretic, expectorant, antispasmodic, so useful in the treatment of coughs, colds, bronchitis, laryngitis and gastroenteritis. It is also said to lower the blood pressure and to help restore sexual potency which has been impaired by illness or mental stress.

Container growing

Welsh onions can be grown in a large pot using a soil-based compost, and make sure it does not dry out. Feed regularly throughout the summer with a liquid fertilizer. Tree onions grow too tall for containers.

Lady’s Mantle

From the family Rosaceae

Lady's mantle is a native of the mountains of Europe, Asia and America. It is found not -A only in damp places but also in dry shady woods.

The Arab 'alkemelych' (alchemy) was thought to be the source of the herb's Latin generic name, Alchemilla. The crystal dew lying in perfect pearl drops on the leaves have long inspired poets and alchemists, and was reputed to have healing and magical properties, even to preserve a woman's youth provided she collected the dew in May, alone, in full moonlight, naked, and with bare feet as a sign of purity and to ward off any lurking forces.

In the medieval period it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, hence Lady's Mantle was considered a woman's protector, and nicknamed 'a woman's best friend', and was used not only to regulate the menstrual cycle and to ease the effects of menopause, but also to reduce inflammation of the female organs. In the 18th century, women applied the leaves to their breasts to make them recover shape after they had been swelled with milk. It is still prescribed by herbalists today.

Alchemilla conjuncta

Lady's Mantle Conjuncta Hardy perennial. Ht 30cm (12in), spread 30cm (12in) or more. Tiny, greenish-yellow flowers in summer. Leaves star-shaped, bright green on top with lovely silky silver hairs underneath. An attractive plant suitable for ground cover, rockeries and dry banks.


Alchemilla alpina

Alpine Lady's Mantle Known in America as Silvery Lady's Mantle. Hardy perennial. Ht 15cm (6in), spread 60cm (24in) or more. Tiny, greenish-yellow flowers in summer. Leaves rounded, lobed, pale green and covered in silky hairs. An attractive plant suitable for ground cover, rockeries and dry banks.

Alchemilla mollis

Lady's Mantle (Garden variety) Hardy perennial. Ht and spread 50cm (20in). Tiny, greenish-yellow flowers in summer. Large, pale green, rounded leaves with crinkled edges.

Alchemilla xanthochlora (vulgaris)

Lady's Mantle (Wildflower variety) Also known as Lion's Foot, Bear's Foot and Nine Hooks. Hardy perennial. Ht 15-45cm (6-18in), spread 50cm (20in). Tiny, bright greenish/yellow flowers in summer. Round, pale green leaves with crinkled edges.




Why is it that something that self-seeds readily around the garden can be so difficult to raise from seed? Sow its very fine seed in early spring or autumn into prepared seed or plug trays (use the cardboard method), and cover with Perlite. No bottom heat required. Germination can either be sparse or prolific, taking 2-3 weeks. If germinating in the autumn, winter seedlings in the trays and plant out the following spring when the frosts are over, at a distance of 45cm (18in) apart.


All established plants can be divided in the spring or autumn. Replant in the garden where desired.

Pests and Diseases

This plant rarely suffers from pests or disease.

Spring: Divide established plants. Sow seeds if necessary. Summer: To prevent self-seeding, cur off flower heads as they begin to die back. Autumn: Divide established plants if necessary. Sow seed. Winter: No need for protection.

Garden Cultivation

This fully hardy plant grows in all but boggy soils, in sun or partial shade. Seed can be sown in spring where you want the plant to flower. Thin the seedlings to 30cm (12in) apart. This is a most attractive garden plant in borders or as an edging plant, but it can become a bit of a nuisance, seeding everywhere. To prevent this, cut back after flowering and at the same time cut back old growth.

Cut young leaves after the dew has dried for use throughout the summer. Harvest for drying as plant comes into flower.

Container Growing

All forms of Lady's Mantle adapt to growing and look very pretty indeed. Use a (following manufacturer's instructions) only occasionally. In the winter, when the plant dies back, put the container in a cold greenhouse or cold frame, and water only very occasionally. Lady's Mantle can be grown in hanging baskets as a centre piece.

Used by herbalists for menstrual disorders. It has been said that if you drink an infusion of green parts of the plant for 10 days each month it will help relieve menopausal discomfort. It can also be used as a mouth rinse after tooth extraction. Traditionally, the alpine species has been considered more effective, although this is not proven.


Tear young leaves, with their mild bitter taste, into small pieces and toss into salads. Many years ago Marks & Spencer had a yoghurt made with Lady's Mantle leaves! I wish I had tried it.

Other uses

Excellent for flower arranging. Leaves can be boiled for green wool dye and are used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of diarrhoea.

Anise Hyssop

Anise Hyssop

Also known as Giant Hyssop, Anise Hyssop, Blue Giant Hyssop, Fennel Hyssop, Fragrant Giant Hyssop. From the family Labiatae. Anise hyssop is a native of North America, the Mosquito Plant and A. mexicana 'Brittonastrum mexicana' are from Mexico, and A. rugosa is from Korea.

There are few references to the history of this lovely herb. According to Allen Paterson, Director of the Royal Botanical Garden in Ontario, it is a close cousin of the Bergamots. It is common in North American herb gardens and is certainly worth including in any herb garden for its flowers and scent. The long spikes of purple, blue and pink flowers are big attractions for bees and butterflies.


Agastache cana

The Mosquito Plant Hall-hardy perennial. Ht 60cm (2ft), spread 30cm (1ft). Pink tubular flowers in the summer with aromatic oval mid-green toothed leaves.

Agastache mexicana 'Brittonastrum mexicana' (or 'Cedronella mexican')

Half-hardy perennial. Ht 1m (3ft), spread 30cm (1ft). In summer whorls of small tubular flowers in shades from pink to crimson. Leaves oval pointed, toothed and mid-green with an eucalyptus scent.

Agastache rugosa

Korean Mint Hardy perennial. Ht lm (3ft), spread 30cm (1ft). Lovely mauve/purple flower spikes in summer. Distinctly minty scented mid-green oval pointed leaves.

Agastache foeniculum

Anise Hyssop Hardy perennial. Ht 60cm (2ft), spread 30cm (1ft). Long purple flower spikes in summer. Aniseed scented mid-green oval leaves.

Container Growing

Not suitable for growing indoors. However, anise hyssop and Korean mint both make good patio plants provided the container is at least 25- 30cm (10-12in) diameter. Use the bark, peat mix of compost, and a liquid fertilizer feed only once a year after flowering. If you feed the plant beforehand, the flowers will be poor. Keep well watered in summer.



A. mexicana can only be propagated by cuttings.


The small fine seeds need warmth to germinate: 17°C (65°F). Use the cardboard method and artificial heating if sowing in early spring.

Use either prepared seed or plug trays or if you have only a few seeds directly into a pot and cover with Perlite. Germination takes 10-20 days.

One can also sow outside in the autumn when the soil is warm, but the voting plants will need protection throughout the winter months.

When the seedlings are large enough to handle prick out and pot on using a bark or peat mix of compost. In mid-spring, when air and soil temperature has risen, plant out al a distance of 45cm (18in).


Take cuttings of soft young shoots in spring: when all the species root well. Use 50pei cent bark, 50per cent peat mix of compost. After a full period of weaning cuttings should be strong enough to plant out in the early autumn.

Semi-ripe wood cuttings may be taken in late summer, use the same compost mix. After they have rooted, pot up, and winter in a cold frame or cold greenhouse.


This is a good alternative way to maintain a short-lived perennial. In the second or third year divide the creeping roots either by the 'forks back-to-back' method, or by digging up the whole plant and dividing.

Pests and Diseases

Being an aromatic plant, pests keep their distance. Rarely suffers from disease, although seedlings can damp off.


Spring: Sow seeds. Summer: Take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings late season.

Autumn: Tidy up the plants by cutting back the old flower heads and woody growth. Sow seeds. Protect young plants from frost. Winter: Protect half-hardy species (and Anise hyssop below -6°C (20°F)) with either agricultural fleece, bark or straw.

Garden Cultivation

All species like a rich, moist soil and full sun, and will adapt very well to most ordinary soils if planted in a sunny situation. All are short lived and should be propagated each year to ensure continuity.

Anise hyssop, although hardier than the other species, still needs pro-lection below-6°C (20°F).

The Mexican half-hardy species need protection below -3°C (26°F).



Cut for drying just as they begin to open.


Cut leaves just before late spring flowering


Heads turn brown as the seed ripens. At the first sign of the seed falling, pick and hang upside down with a paper bag tied over the heads.

Other uses

Anise Hyssop, Korean Mini and Agastache mexicana all have scented leaves which makes them suitable for potpourris.


Anise Hyssop

Leaves can be used in salads and to make refreshing tea. Like borage, they can be added to summer fruit cups. Equally they can be chopped and used as a seasoning in pork dishes or in savory rice.

Flowers can be added to fruit salads and cups giving a lovely splash of color.

Korean Mint

Leaves have a strong peppermint flavor and make a very refreshing tea, said to be good first thing in the morning after a night on the town. They are also good chopped up in salads, and the flowers look very attractive scattered over a pasta salad.


Chamomile From the Family Compositae

Chamomile grows wild in Europe, North America, and many other countries. As a garden escapee, it can be found in pasture and other grassy places on sandy soils.

The generic name, Chamaemelum, is derived from the Greek Khamaimelon, meaning 'Earth Apple' or 'apple on the ground'.


Chamaemelum nobile

Roman Chamomile

Also known as Garden Chamomile, Ground Apple, Low Chamomile and Whig Plant Hardy perennial evergreen. Ht 10cm (4in), spread 45cm (18in). White flowers with yellow centres all summer. Sweet smelling, finely divided foliage. Ideal for ground cover. Can be used as a lawn, but because it flowers it will need constant cutting.

Chamaemelum nobile 'Flore Pleno'

Double-flowered Chamomile

Hardy perennial evergreen. Ht 8cm (3in), spread 30cm (12in). Double white flowers all summer. Sweet-smelling, finely divided, thick foliage. Good for ground cover, in between paving stones and lawns. More compact habit than Roman Chamomile, and combines well with Chamomile Treneague.

Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' (Anthemis nobilis Treneague')

Chamomile Treneague

Also known as Lawn Chamomile Hardy perennial evergreen. Ht 6cm (2.5in), spread 15cm (6in). Non-flowering. Leaves are finely divided and very aromatic. Ideal for ground cover or mow-free lawn. Plant in well-drained soil, free from stones, 10-15cm (4-6in) apart.

Anthemis tinctoria

Dyers Chamomile

Also known as Yellow Chamomile Hardy perennial evergreen. Ht and spread lm (3ft). Yellow daisy flowers in the summer. Leaves are mid-green and fern like. Principally a dye plant.

Matricaria recutita

German Chamomile

Also known as Scented Mayweed, Wild Chamomile Hardy annual. Ht 60cm (24in), spread 10cm (4in). Scented white flowers with conical yellow centres from spring to early summer. Finely serrated aromatic foliage. The main use of this chamomile is medicinal.




Dyers, Roman and German chamomiles can be grown from seed. Sow onto the surface of a prepared seed or plug tray. Use a bark, grit, peat compost. Cover with Perlite. Use bottom heat 19°C (65°F). Harden off and plant out or pot on.


Double-flowered chamomile and Chamomile Treneague can only be propagated this way. Take cuttings in the spring and autumn from the offsets or clusters of young shoots. They are easy to grow as they have aerial roots.


All perennial chamomiles planted as specimen plants will benefit from being lifted in the spring of their second or third year and divided.

Pests and Diseases

As all the chamomiles are j highly aromatic they are not troubled by pests or disease.


Spring: Collect offshoots, sow seeds. Fill in holes that have appeared in the chamomile lawn. Divide established plants. Give a liquid fertilizer feed to all -established plants.

Summer: Water well. Do not allow to dry out. In the first season of a lawn, trim the plants to encourage bushing out and spreading. In late summer collect flowers from the Dyers chamomile and cut the plant back to 6cm (2in) to promote new growth.

Autumn: Take cuttings. Divide if they have become too invasive. Cut back to promote new growth. Give the final Iced of the season.

Winter: Only protect in extreme weather

Garden Cultivation

All the chamomiles prefer a well-drained soil and a sunny situation, although they will adapt to most conditions.

As a lawn plant, chamomile gets more credit than it deserves. Chamomile lawns are infinitely less easy to maintain in good condition than grass lawns. There is no selective herbicide that will preserve chamomile and kill the rest of the weeds. It is a hands-and-knees job.

Prepare the site well, make sure the soil is light, slightly acid, and free from weeds and stones. Plant young plants in plug form. I use a mix of double-flowered and Treneague chamomile at a distance of 10-15cm (4-6in) apart. Keep all traffic off it for at least 12 weeks, and keep it to the minimum during the first year.

If all this seems daunting, compromise and plant a chamomile seat. Prepare the soil in the same way and do not sit on the seat for at least 12 weeks. Then sit down, smell the sweet aroma and sip a cool glass of wine. Summer is on hand . . .



Gather in spring and early summer for best results. Use fresh or dry.


Pick when fully open, around mid-summer. Use fresh or dry. Dyers chamomile flowers should be harvested in summer for their yellow dye.

Companion planting

Chamomile has the unique name Physician's Plant because, when planted near ailing plants, it helps to revive them. Roman Chamomile can be planted next to onions to repel flying insects and improve the crop yield.

Chamomile Infusion

Bring 600ml (1 pint) water to the boil. Add a handful of chamomile leaves and flowers. Cover and let it stand for about half a day Strain.

Spray it onto seedlings to prevent 'damping off. If there is any liquid left pour it onto your compost heap. This acts like an activator for decomposition.

Container growing

I would not advise growing chamomiles indoors, as they get very leggy, soft and prone to disease. But the flowers can look very cheerful in a sunny window box. Use Chamomile 'Flore Pleno', which has a lovely double flower head or the non-flowering C. Treneague as an infill between bulbs, with a bark, grit, peat compost.


Chamomile is used as a final rinse for fair hair to make it brighter. It should be poured over your hair several times. Pour 1 liter (l34 pints) boiling water over one handful of chamomile flowers and steep for 30 minutes. Strain, rover and allow to cool.


German chamomile's highly scented dry flower heads contain up to 1 per cent of an aromatic oil that possesses powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Taken as a tea, it promotes gastric secretions and improves the appetite, while an infusion of the same strength can be used as an internal antiseptic. It may also be used as a douche or gargle for mouth ulcers and as an eye wash.

Oil for skin rashes or allergies can be made by tightly packing flower heads into a preserving jar, covering with olive oil and leaving in the sun for three weeks. If you suffer from overwrought nerves, add five or six drops of chamomile oil to the bath and this will help you relax at night.

Chamomile tea

1 heaped teaspoon chamomile flowers (dried or fresh)

1 teaspoon honey slice of lemon (optional)

Put the chamomile flowers into a warm cup. Pour on boiling water. Cover and leave to infuse for 3-5 minutes. Strain and add the honey and lemon, if required. Can be drunk either hot or cold.

Other uses

Dyers Chamomile can be used as a dye plant. Depending on the mordant, its color can vary from bright to olive/brown yellow.

German and Double-flowered Chamomile are best for herb pillows and pot pourri.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Prozac safety and benefits

Prozac is one of several antidepressant drugs known as Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors or SSRIs.

Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical found in the pineal gland, blood platelets, digestive tract and most importantly the brain. It is believed to play an important role in the regulation of sleep, sexuality appetite and general mood. A lack of serotonin in the brain is directly linked to several forms of depression including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SSRIs such as Prozac work by increasing the levels of serotonin and therefore helping relieve feelings of depression.

There remains little over the effectiveness of Prozac. Over 40million people in the UK and throughout the world have been prescribed the drug and a very high percentage reported improvements in their mood.

So what's the problem with Prozac? Well, like almost all other drugs, Prozac has a long list of possible side effects including nausea, headaches, dry mouth, irritability, reduced libido, low energy, anxiety and insomnia.

However, the greater concern surrounds reports that the drug may encourage suicidal thoughts. Certainly children should not prescribed Prozac but this is the same for all antidepressant drugs. But for adults, there is no conclusive proof of any direct links between the drug and suicide. Of course there are many cases of people taking their own lives whilst on Prozac but you have to remember why these individuals were prescribed the drug in the first place - to help alleviate strong feelings of depression.

FInally, despite what you may've heard, prozac is not addictive. Very few people experience any difficulties coming off the drug once their depression has lifted.

Aspirin & Strokes

Does aspirin really help protect against stokes and heart attacks?

Many older people take an aspirin every day in the belief that it will prevent strokes and heart attacks.

But is there any scientific evidence to back this up? The answer, you may be surprised to learn, is yes. When an aspirin enters the body it essentially thins the blood thereby discouraging a blood vessel blockage - the main cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Research has constantly shown that taking an aspirin every day for a sustained period of time will lower your risk of suffering one of these potentially life threatening events.

However, before you rush of to the chemists, you should know that the reduction of risk is only very small. But any reduction is good, right? Well, not if there's a long list of possible side effects to take into account. Taking an aspirin on a regular basis can cause indigestion, prolonged bleeding and in some cases stomach ulcers.

Diet and lifestyle choices have a far greater effect on your likelihood of suffering a stroke or heart attack but with none of the side effects of popping an aspirin a day. So really the best advice is to eat healthily, exercise regularly and leave that of aspirin bottle alone.

Liquid Herbs

Why a Liquid Herb is Better Than Tablet Supplements
Herbal remedies and vitamins come in many forms, capsules and tablets being the most common, but liquid herbal remedies are found to be much better and far more effective than the same remedy in capsule and tablet form.

So why is a liquid herb better than a herbal remedy in tablet or capsule form? Well it's because of the absorption rate. With traditional tablets and capsules they need to first be digested in the stomach, something that liquid herbal remedies do not. While these tablets are in the stomach, the stomach acid is breaking down some of the herbal values and by the time it gets to the small intestine to be absorbed into the blood stream most of the properties of the remedy have been lost. But a liquid herb does not have to go through this process, it is automatically absorbed into the bloodstream meaning it is more effective and the concentration that reaches the blood stream is much higher.

Most products out there now are available in liquid form as it is also far more convenient. As we know it is a nightmare to try and get a child to take a tablet or capsule, but with a liquid herbal product it is quick and easy and also stress free for the child, so when you want to make sure your child has all the vitamins and minerals they need then a liquid herb is the way to go.

It is also a great help for the elderly or those that have problems swallowing and digesting tablets so you know that the maximum amount of supplement is being absorbed and put to good use in the body, helping the elderly users stay healthy. So these liquid herbs are great for all the family and a simple way to orally take a supplement and if you like to dilute the liquid herbal remedy it can be added to water or if it's to help you sleep a cup of hot chocolate on a night.

The great thing about liquid herbal supplements is that they are found in a highly concentrated form, so rather than having to buy large packs of tablets or capsules, a small bottle of liquid herb will last far longer and take up less room and is easy to carry with you where you are on the run, and as there is less packing in the capsule or tablet it is often much more cost effective.

Liquid herbal remedies are the way forward in delivering high quality and highly concentrated supplements, with a higher amount of supplement being released into the blood stream and no capsules clogging up your gut it's a purer more effective method of taking your health supplements.

Forget the old tablets and capsules for your daily health supplements, liquid herbs and vitamin supplements are the way forward, with a greater absorption rate than tablets and capsules, liquid herbal supplements are easy to administer and good for the whole family, young and old alike.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Manage Beautiful Lips

How to Manage Beautiful Lips

Your lips are sensitive part of your body. Lips do not have oil glands and that is why, they are sensitive towards changes in environment like heat, wind and cold. Your lips have the tendency to become pink as rose petals. This can be achieved by following simple techniques and tips. However, you need to be consistent and continue these remedies for at least three months to see some major changes.

Crush red rose petals and directly apply the juice to yourlips. If your lips appear dry then add 1 or 2 drops of coconut oil. Petals are able to provide natural red color to your lips. Try and make it your habit and it is better to do this at night so that you can keep the extract of the petals for a much longer time.

To provide natural antioxidants to your lips in most pure form possible is to use homemade lip balms. Take 4 table spoon of almond oil, 1 table spoon of honey and 1 table spoon of grated beeswax. Stir this mixture carefully. Keep beeswax at a warm temperature in order to allow thorough mixing of the ingredients. This will give relief to your lips damaged by summer sun because Almond oil forms a thin protective layer on the lips, honey moisturizes them to provide softness and beeswax maintains ingredients on the lips for a longer period of time.

Scrubbing off deed skin from the lips is important. Thoroughly mix 5 drops of sweat almond oil to half table spoon of sugar granules and apply it to the lips, rub gently to scrub off dead cells from your lips. You can also soak 2 almonds overnight. Peel one almond and grind in pestle and motor. Add few drops of glycerin. Rub this paste on lips. Leave for 2 minutes then wash off. Apply a lip balm after that.

Dead layer of old skin may hinder growth of new cells on the lips. It is common with people who have chapped lips. Mix 1 tbsp of honey with 5 to 6 drops of lemon juice. Use this mixture as your daily lip balm. Scrubbing will provide an instantaneous pinkish color to yourlips and they will appear fuller. Scrub your lips weakly if not more.

In the end it is all about how much you care! Never use your saliva to lubricate your lips. Basically it dries the lips more and makes them appeal darker with time. Always use best quality cosmetics. Smoking extensively affects the color and beauty of your lips. So quit smoking for the love of your lips! Easy Health Solution - Learn about all kinds of health problems and their solutions from Easy Health Solution. We offer all kinds of easy and affordable health tips and advises.

Herbal Skin Care

More Tips About Natural Herbal Skin Care

Just imagine the use of natural herbal skin care products that can find an effective solution for your skin problems. These are effective and the safest skin remedy that is in existence for thousands of years. These are applicable for all types of skin without any irritation.

Herbal skin care treatments will eliminate the present skin deficiencies and prevent further infections. They serve not only as beauty ingredients but they are also a medical remedy. Herbal skincare remedies include various forms of treatments. The most common type of herbal treatment is the application of natural extracts directly to the skin. These extracts are pure extracts from roots, leaves and fruits.

The grebe nature of the extracts contains all the ingredients like minerals, irons, zinc, copper etc. The presence of fruits contains all the essential nutrients and vitamins. Natural herbal skin care products have the ability to absorb the toxic content from our skin. These ingredients keep our skin clear from dust, oily nature, dryness etc. The other type of herbal treatment is consumption of plant extracts. These are rich in ingredient that is not available for the skin through direct facial application.

There are several natural products that contain ingredients which are very good antioxidants like Keratin, Coenzyme Q10 and Phytessence Wakame. These are very effective as natural herbal skin care methods because they do not have any side effects and are all derived from plants.

In this method the herbal components helps in regaining essential vitamins quickly. Massaging, oil bath are some of the effective natural herbal skin care treatment. Herbal treatments keep our skin moist, free from infections, healthy and lively. It has the ability to keep the human body cool and free from stress, strain, tension etc.

There are experts who deal with herbal treatments. They can effectively guide us to regain our lost glory or to maintain our smooth youthful appearance. Now several ready-made herbal skin care products effectively serve the purpose. It is time to thrown away these chemical and synthetic products form our shelf. Herbal remedies have made it clear that they are here to stay.

Wrinkle Cream

Checking Out Wrinkle Cream Home Remedies
There are many products out there that guarantee a younger looking you. Some of them promise you will look many years younger. These creams and lotions can cost a great deal of money. You also must use them over a long period of time. You will need to continue using them. This can get very expensive. You may able to save a lot of money and help your appearance at the same time. Here are some wrinkle cream home remedies to consider.


Massage is an effective method of skin care. You will help to increase the circulation to the face. Some people recommend a vigorous massage. You may also wish to use something like olive oil as you massage. There are many techniques for proper facial massage. It may take some trial and error to find something that works.


You can exercise the facial muscles. Many yoga postures are a good way to do this. For example, the pose of the lion is a good posture for this. This stretches and exercises the facial muscles. Inverted yoga postures bring blood flow to the head and face. These may be worth trying. Be careful if you suffer with hypertension. You may wish to avoid inverted poses.

Beeswax and Summry

You will need a piece of beeswax for this treatment. Slowly melt some small pieces in a glass jar. Add about twice the amount of olive oil. Blend it into a cream. If it is too runny, add some more melted beeswax. If it is too thick, you may need to add more olive oil. Apply the cream as you would any facial cream. Make sure that you cover problem areas. There are many types of wrinkle cream home remedies. Some involve massage and facial exercises. You may also wish to try a cream made from beeswax and olive oil. These things may help you with your anti-aging program. They may also save you a great deal of money.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Acne Sufferers

What does the future hold for acne sufferers?
There are plans constantly afoot to develop a “silver bullet” in the fight against acne, and these plans are getting closer incrementally, perhaps a day at a time. The latest plan to be seen as a potential winning blow in the battle is a vaccine tested on mice in 2008 which has had reported good results. As yet there is no definitive proof that this vaccine would be effective in preventing acne in humans, but there is continuing work being carried out to ensure that any discrepancies are ironed out. If the vaccine were to be perfected, scientists believe it could be the answer to many of the problems with other acne treatments.

Long term antibiotic therapy has been found to have side-effects including gastro-intestinal problems. For acne sufferers, much of the recent past has been about making a decision on what they most want to be rid of -–the acne which has blighted their lives for a considerable period of time, or the side-effects which exact such a heavy toll that they need to be taken as a fresh health problem in and of themselves. It would therefore be ideal if a vaccine could be developed which would bypass the trouble spots of other medications.

Other methods are of course constantly being considered and honed, with the inclusion of continuing efforts to create a pill that will have the positive effects of the more powerful compounds available without causing side-effects that outstrip the acne in terms of discomfort. It is a painstaking process, however, and it may yet be years before anything conclusive is announced.

Natural Home Remedies

Acne can not only be a problem while it is here, but it can also leave lingering evidence of its presence and many people are eager to fade acne scars. While there are many uncomfortable and costly medical procedures available today that can significantly help when fading acne scars, there are also many remedies you can adhere to at home in order to rid your skin of these tell tale marks.

Often times, people are rid of the acne but still unhappy with their appearance due to the scars left by the acne. Over the counter creams are one option available that can fade acne scars. While they may not completely eliminate them, they will definitely reduce their appearance. Once the scar fades away, you never need to maintain it with further use.

How To Fade Acne Scars Naturally
Vitamin E oil is also a relatively inexpensive and effective over the counter way to fade acne scars. Many people do not have the financial ability to afford costly and rather drastic methods of treating their scars and turn to the extremely powerful healing element of vitamin E oil or something even cheaper, lemon juice.

The citric acid in lemons assists with removing excess dead skin cells, increasing the elasticity of the skin, and promotes new cell growth. All of this power in a tiny lemon is available to you. While some people may be sensitive to the lemon’s acidity, it will be effective in reducing the appearance of scars.

If these treatments don’t appeal to you, you can always try the skin soothing gel from the Aloe Vera plant. Aloe Vera gel is a great option for people with rather sensitive skin and is widely known for its skin healing properties and scar fading abilities. Be sure to look for it in its purest form as it is less effective when it is diluted with ineffective ingredients that often go into many lotions.

Laser and Skin Resurfacing Treatments
However, if you are interested in taking a more aggressive approach to fading your acne scars, you may want to consider skin resurfacing treatments like laser treatments or dermabrasion. While these procedures are rather uncomfortable and costly, they greatly reduce or eliminate the appearance of acne scars permanently and thoroughly.

As you can see there are a number of ways to fade acne scars fast so proper exploration of all available treatments is beneficial.

Acne Free Solutions

A great deal of money is spent by people trying to find acne free solutions that work. Unfortunately, many never find the right acne solution, and their acne either clears up on it’s own, or they learn to live with it. You can, however, find an acne solution that will work for you, without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars looking for the cure, by following these simple steps.

1. Make sure that you are washing your face two or three times each day, with clean water and a pure soap, such as Ivory.

2. Try applying essential oils directly to the acne. Oils to try are Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, and Rosewood Oil. If you have sensitive skin, you may need to dilute the oil with Grapeseed oil to avoid irritation. Apply the oil before going to bed, then wash it away, using pure soap and clean water, in the morning. Give it about a month to see if it is working. This is one of the least expensive acne solutions that has proven to be effective for many people.

3. If the essential oil doesn’t work for you, try a good over the counter product, such as ProActiv. It is expensive, but you will spend less money using a product that has been proven to work, than you will buying creams and acne solutions that do not work. Bypass the junk, and go with what has a better chance of working.

4. If ProActiv doesn’t work for you, visit an allergist to see if you have any food allergies. Often food allergies will cause acne, and the best acne solution in this case is to eliminate those foods from your diet completely. If a food allergy is causing the acne, not other acne solution should be needed.

5. If there are no food allergies, or eliminating foods did not work, it is time to see a dermatologist. The doctor may prescribe Accutane, which is also expensive. It is taken orally, and may cause side effects, but it has been proven to be quite beneficial in the treatment of acne.

6. If Accutane does not work, talk to your dermatologist about trying Retin-a. Retin-a is used to treat acne, acne scars, wrinkles, skin discolorations, and other scars and skin problems. It is very effective as an acne solution. The key is to make sure that you give the acne treatments time to work. Give each step at least one month, and possibly more. Some acne treatments will actually make the acne appear to be worse before it starts clearing up. This is perfectly normal, and in most cases, even to be expected.

Don’t waste money on cheap acne treatments that don’t work. If it worked – it wouldn’t be cheap. The cheapest acne solution that has been proven to work is essential oils. Everything that really works after that is expensive, but well worth the price.