Friday, April 2, 2010

Herbs Supplements

The history of herbal supplements is very wide due to the fact that this was the type of treatment that was used by most people world wide. In general, plants have been known to have health benefits both to the body and mind. The type of plant will determine the benefits it provides.

One should note that the whole plant will not be the one to have the benefit but only a part of it like the roots, stem, seeds, flowers etc. Supplements can be defined as substances that are meant to aid in increasing levels of a particular chemical or substance in the body. When you think about it, most of the supplements that will be found in the market today will be found to be used for helping the body to be able to acquire certain amounts of minerals and nutrients. In the past, there were herbs which were known to be used to treat certain diseases and others were used to treat external injuries. Examples of the different cultures and their use of herbal supplements are shown below.

The first example we are going to use is that of Ancient Babylon. There are archaeologists who discovered a burial site that was over sixty thousand years old. Such a site was found to have herbs like the marshmallow root. These are one of the oldest findings which will prove that in the past people used to use herbal supplements. In later years, these people were found to have been putting records of the uses that they had for their herbs.

This was done through the use of clay tablets which were said to be dated to as early as the years 2600 B.C. of which the use of the herbs and remedies the had for certain sicknesses have been found to be in use in most parts of the world today. Egypt is another example of a country which used herbs as supplements. This was a result of finding writings that dated back to millenniums which were written in Egyptian hieroglyphics. Aloe Vera is an example of the seven hundred plus type of herbal supplements that is being used in Egypt during 1500 B.C. and it is still in use today.

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