Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Health Habits Protein After Exercise

If you're focused on your health and vitality, no doubt you realize the importance of daily discipline, especially in terms of exercise. Whether you travel a lot, or work a stressful job, or own your own business, you know you need to maximize your energy level in order to handle the rigors of your work. You want to make sure every move you make to enhance your health really counts.

This June's journal of the American Societies for Experimental Biology reported that consuming a protein drink right after exercise is a workout-enhancing move. A drink containing as little as 20 grams of protein can enhance the effect of the exercise, and help your body maintain the integrity of your muscle physiology.

Try this: if you haven't already, move your workouts to first-thing each morning. Alternate cardio intervals one day with strength training the next. Right after you finish exercising, take your morning supplements along with a good protein shake. I'm a fan of the shakes produced by Dr. Robert Atkins' legacy company - they're low in sugar and carbs and high in protein, and they taste pretty good. Also, if you really want to maximize the effect of the protein, take a creatine supplement as well. I like micronized creatine powder, which I dissolve in water and drink along with my protein shake.

Other workout-enhancing supplements with which I've had good luck include DHEA, CoQ10, chromium picolinate, and (my all-time favorite) the liquid nutraceutical I take first thing each morning. Check with a nutritionist, though, before you add a lot of supplements. Because of what have been described by my doctors over the years as "impressive allergies," I've had to be careful in slowly working various supplements into my regimen.

You'll want to make powerful, fully-maximized workouts part of an overall program of health and vitality. It all starts by creating a routine of discipline around the five key daily health habits I call The NEWSS: Nutrition (start by cutting the garbage-food out of your diet), Exercise (work up to six strong workouts a week), Water (get two liters daily), Sleep (get eight hours every night), and Supplements (that well-balanced liquid nutraceutical I mentioned is the best place to start for all-around vitality enhancement).

It's a great idea to keep a journal, and to give yourself a score on each of The NEWSS categories every week. I didn't get there immediately, and I am not a health practitioner - nor do I have the time to make my life all about maintaining my personal vitality - but I do find that I'm consistently able to hit at least 80% of my personal goals on all five NEWSS habits each week. You can do the same, or better, even if your life is already busy and hectic.

Your vitality is way too important to leave it all to chance. Make a plan, start somewhere, build up to your optimal routine, and make sure to celebrate your successes. Whatever else you have going on in your life, keeping yourself vital will make your family, your friends, and your business happy.

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